Simple Solutions

By Ken Chapman, Ph.D.
Ken Chapman & Associates, Inc.
Dr. Thomas Edison’s fame had become international. He was advised to have scientists come to his lab and help him understand scientifically why some of his inventions had worked. Edison didn’t see much use in this, but being open-minded, he consented to the idea. As a result, a brilliant research scientist from Germany came to Edison’s lab to explain to him the principles behind some of Edison’s innovations. While the scientist was visiting his lab, Edison handed the man a globe that had been twisted into a gourd-like shape and said, “Give me the cubic content of this.”
Weeks passed and eventually Edison sought out the man to ask him why he hadn’t replied. The scientist began to give him a lengthy explanation about the difficulties of solving such a problem with higher mathematics. Edison then picked up the globe, took it over to a nearby sink, and filled it with water. He poured the water into a measuring tube, and holding up the tube he said, “This is the cubic content.”
The solutions to most problems are often simpler than we think they might be. They usually stem from an understanding of basic principles, the “whys” of life. If we ask why, we will often find the answer, but we must be willing to take the answers that we find and use them for good. Edison may not have understood the scientific principles behind his inventions, but he used his inventions for the benefit of others. Edison knew that it is not our scientific knowledge that inspires others to follow us, but rather our willingness to take the answers we find and use them for good

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For over 40 years Ken Chapman & Associates, Inc. has been making a measurable difference in the corporate cultures of American businesses and in the lives of their team members. KC&A’s value equation is “Committed to People, Profit, and More.”

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